Wedding dates 2020 and everything you need to know

If you are planning to have a wedding in Prague, you should definitely think about the exact date. There are things that every couple must decide and think about and the date is of utmost importance. Why? Because a good wedding stands on and falls with the date. Here is a list of the best wedding dates in 2020 according to many international and national wedding websites
a photo of a bride holding her buquet high above her head

  • Saturday, May 16
  • Saturday, May 30
  • Saturday, September 12
  • Saturday, September 19
  • Saturday, September 26
  • Saturday, October 3
  • Saturday, October 10
  • Saturday, October 17
  • Saturday, June 6
  • Saturday, June 20

Yes, everything is on Saturday. Why? Because Saturday is the best day of the week for a wedding because 99% of people are free on Saturdays, they can have fun on Saturdays since there is a next free day afterward and before that is Friday, which is the last day of work and many guests are able to come in the evening or at night to hotels nearby to prepare for the Saturday’s wedding.

If you don’t want anybody at your wedding, you can pick whatever date you want without considering others. But if you want a good wedding, you have to plan it right. And the best days are listed above. Not only from a numerological point of view but also according to many experts on wedding days (yes, there are experts on such things).a vase full of roses on a wedding day

So if you are thinking about your beautiful wedding in Prague, you should pick the date accordingly so others can join you on your best day of life. You need to plan even more if you are from a distant foreign land though you still want your wedding to happen in Prague.
Bear in mind, that there is literally no bad day to get married. If you don’t really like any of these proposed dates, just pick the one you think will be the best – it’s still your wedding and no one else\’s. And don’t forget about the guests!